Monday, October 27, 2008


Peace. Calmness. Ok.
Being ok.

Here Now.
Sincerity, clearness.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hot. Sweaty. Happy.
Typing. Studying. Thinking.
Learning. Caring. Loving.
Wondering. Staying. Moment.
Present. Tomorrow. Difficult.
Words. Expressionless.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


How painful was that,
4 hours, writing up notes,
Neck tight, wrists sore
Concentration lacking.

Desire to leave and play volleyball.

Freedom soon.

But it's 11:49 and I choose to stay in the moment.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The sweet taste on my tongue.
Not a pleasant sweetness.
A painful taste that poisons my brain.
Rotting away,
Makes me nauseous.

Disgusted by the choice of the drink,
That led to this turn of events,
How to rinse the mouth of this nastiness,
It spreads and won't leave me alone.

How to be rid of this disgust, this disdain,
It sounds as if it's something else.
But this is all from a drink.
Maybe it's something more.

How to write to stay in the moment, when it's the thoughts that give us poetry? Difficult. I think so. Thinking... maybe that's the poison. Interesting...

I'm learning.

A new series called Moments

In the spirit of being in the moment and focusing on the here and now.

I am going to start writing some poetry describing the moment that I'm in. It could be very spontaneous and just apply to whatever I'm doing. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

KISS some more

I've got to start early with the studying I like. I knew this stuff, I just can't make silly mistakes. I want to take my philosophy of be here now, of every moment and put it to every question.

6'2 is 14 inches taller than 5. These things can't happen. I can't put 12. I can't multiple .8 by lbs and not kg. I know these things. I have to fix these mistakes. I am going to fix these mistakes. This is my life. This is my career. This is what I do. I improve. I strive to be the best every moment I can. This is my pledge that I will do better every moment I can.

Let me be one with the zen enso. Keep it simple.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kiss. Keep it sweet and simple

I should try this. The chase is tiring. and there are more important things in life.


School, health, basketball, friends, family, learning. Let's just keep it simple.

First exams

Let's do it.